Tag Archives: 12 Days of Christmas

4th Day of Christmas: Let it Snow!

Let it Snow By Anne Lindert-Wentzell I, admittedly, live a frigid lifestyle. I’m not the best conversationalist. In fact, you won’t hear a murmur out of me. Unless of course we meet, unexpectedly, on a cold winter evening, and you’ve partaken in too much holiday cheer! I’ve been known to be a womanizing, alcohol drinking… Continue Reading

3rd Day of Christmas: My Mr. Claus

My Mr. Claus by Kim Drisdelle As I search through my boxes to gather up Christmas ornaments, I slip back in time. I find myself thinking about the many sacrifices my parents, like many parents, make for their children during this ever so meaningful time of year. Over the years, Santa has become the human… Continue Reading

2nd Day of Christmas: Christmas Tuning

Christmas Tuning By Cindy Rule Last Christmas season, about a week or so before the big day, while my daughter Sorcha was eating dinner and I was washing dishes, we started talking about Christmas songs I’m not a big fan of.  The list is many and my reasons lengthy, but what it boils down to… Continue Reading

1st Day of Christmas: My Dancing Snowman

My Dancing Snowman By Myrna Beth Lambert I have celebrated many special Christmas holidays, but I will always remember the Christmas of 1946. I was seven years old and it was my last year of childhood innocence, although I didn’t know it at the time. I believed in Santa, the tooth fairy and magical, dancing… Continue Reading

Call for Christmas Submissions

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And nobody loves Christmas more than Bread ‘n Molasses magazine! Every holiday season Bread ‘n Molasses hosts a spectacular online event called the “Twelve Days of Christmas”. It’s one of our most popular events and readers look forward to it all year long. Beginning on Christmas Day,… Continue Reading

12th Day of Christmas

Yes Kellie, There is a Santa Claus! by Kellie Underhill (Originally published in Bread ‘n Molasses Nov/Dec 2010 print edition. Read the whole magazine online. Click here!) I still get butterflies in my stomach when I remember how Christmas felt as a child. The sliding door with its frosted windows would always be closed on… Continue Reading

11th Day of Christmas

Got Turkey? It’s common after the Christmas and New Year’s holidays to have a lot of leftover turkey. Those hot and cold turkey sandwiches get tiresome pretty quick, so why not spice up some of those leftovers by making turkey enchiladas! Turkey Enchiladas 3 cups cooked turkey, shredded 2 cups sour cream 2 cups shredded… Continue Reading

10th Day of Christmas

A Sailor’s gift by Myrna Beth Lambert It was Christmas day 1983. My husband and I were at Children’s Hospital with a sick child. She had been hospitalized for three weeks while the doctors did several tests as they tried to diagnose her illness. The children on her floor were all seriously ill and I… Continue Reading